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vineri, 26 aprilie 2024 - 11:21
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Russia, China stand together as U.S., EU worry about Ukraine threat

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping held a video call on Wednesday to discuss bilateral relations and made a show of...

China aprobă un tratament anti-COVID, care reduce cu 80% spitalizările şi riscul morţii

China a aprobat un tratament împotriva COVID-19, la doi ani de la apariţia pandemiei, pe teritoriul chinez, în urma unei intensificări a epidemiei, relatează...

Ciudata dispariție a jucătoarei de tenis Shuai Peng. WTA ameninţă cu retragerea turneelor din China

Șefului WTA, Steve Simon, a ameninţat cu retragerea turneelor din China dacă nu se rezolvă cazul misterioasei dispariții a jucătoarei de tenis Shuai Peng...

EU summit to seek answers on China, U.S. strategy

The European Union's 27 leaders will seek a new approach to China on Tuesday in their first summit on Sino-European strategy since the bloc...

Bitcoin, Ether Tumble as China Intensifies Crackdown on Crypto

Bitcoin, Ether and other digital tokens tumbled on Friday as China intensified its push to rein in crypto speculation and mining, according to Bloomberg.  Bitcoin,...

EU launches ‘Global Gateway’ to counter China’s Belt and Road

The European Union will launch "Global Gateway" as a scheme to compete with China's Belt and Road Initiative- the massive, geopolitically influential network of...

Polish govt says it’s confident of majority on contested media reform bill

Poland's government said on Wednesday it believed it could still command a majority in parliament after firing the head of a junior coalition partner...

VIDEO Elefanții călători din China se întorc acasă după o călătorie de peste 700 de km. 150.000 de oameni, evacuați din calea lor

Peste 700 de kilometri au parcurs elefanții călători din China în cele 17 luni în care au fost monitorizați non-stop. Familia de elefanți se...

Covid: China rejects WHO plan for second phase of virus origin probe

China rejected on Thursday a World Health Organization (WHO) plan for a second phase of an investigation into the origin of the coronavirus, which...

China dismisses U.S. accusation of global hacking campaign

China said it has rejected accusations by the U.S., U.K. and their allies that actors linked to the Asian nation’s government were behind the...