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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 9:01
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Russia fires anti-ship missile at mock target in Sea of Japan

Russia’s Defense Ministry stated on Tuesday that Moscow has test-fired anti-ship missiles in the Sea of Japan, according to AP News. The ministry said that...

Russia strikes Ukraine with biggest missile barrage in weeks

Russia on Thursday launched a massive attack against Ukraine, using kamikaze drones and a barrage of missiles, in the first major assault against Ukrainian...

NATO states race to contain fallout after missile hits Poland

US President Joe Biden and key European leaders are urging caution after a missile struck a Polish village just over the border from Ukraine,...

The US Navy successfully tested an interceptor missile that will be installed in Romania

The SM-3 type missile is designed to destroy ballistic missiles in space, and the SM-2 type missiles help ships defend the airspace in their...

Rocket fired from Lebanon towards northern Israel

The rocket did not cause any property damage or casualties Saturday night, a missile launched from Lebanon hit northern Israel, stated the Israeli army, which...

An Israeli army missile fell on a hospital in Gaza

Luckily, no one was injured in the incident Medical staff members quoted by AFP say that a missile, launched by the Israeli army, fell on...