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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 18:01
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Romania and Jordan sign extradition treaty, Aurescu hails ‘excellent’ ties


Romania’s Minister of Foreign affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, met with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi in Amman on Sunday during an official visit to Jordan. The two discussed Romanian-Jordanian bilateral relations and assessed the possibilities for deepening international cooperation, including from the perspective of the EU-Jordan and NATO-Jordan relationship, according to Romania-Insider.

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that during the meeting, the two Ministers signed the Treaty of Extradition between Romania and Jordan.

The Secretary of State in Romania’s Ministry of Interior Raed Arafat and his Jordanian counterpart signed the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of Jordan on cooperation in disaster prevention and management in the presence of the two Ministers.

„I would like to welcome the signing of the three new bilateral documents in the fields of justice and disaster management, which will strengthen our cooperation in these areas,” said Romanian Minister Aurescu said after the meeting.

The two heads of Romanian and Jordanian diplomacy reconfirmed the „excellent relations between two nations and discussed ways to consolidate and expand Romanian-Jordanian cooperation in various areas of common interest.

„This visit represents clear evidence that Romania remains a trustworthy friend of Jordan, as it has been over the last 56 years of bilateral relations. It also stands as proof of our determination to identify avenues of collaboration with Jordan in various fields,” said Aurescu.

The two ministers also talked about the two countries’ partnership in education and the Middle East Peace Process. The Romanian minister also invited his Jordanian counterpart to visit Romania.