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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 13:20
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ANOFM: Over 41.000 jobs available in Romania


Over 41,700 jobs are available nationwide, most of them for unskilled workers, according to the data provided by businesses, the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) informs.

According to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Wednesday, most jobs are offered for unskilled workers in assembly and assembly of parts (3.576), commercial workers (2.368) and unskilled workers for building demolition, patching walls, mosaic tiles, tiles, sandstone, flooring (2.023).

Of the 41.774 vacant jobs declared by employers, 2.753 are for persons with higher education (accountant, programmer, engineer in various areas of activity, councilor/expert/inspector/reviewer/ economist. human resource specialist, etc.).

For people with high school degree or post-secondary studies, 7.735  (commercial worker, warehouse operator, customer service agent, sales agent, vendor, etc), 10.776 for people with vocational education (locksmith, mechanic, welder, garment-assembler of textile articles, drivers, electrician for maintenance and repairs, etc.), the rest of 20.520 jobs being for people without education or with primary / gymnasium education.