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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 7:43
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The world’s first cannabis pharmacy has opened in London




Michal Takac, a Czech businessman, has opened a Carun Pharmacy in London. Said pharmacy exclusively sells hemp-based products.

Mr. Michal suffered an accident several years ago, losing three fingers. He declared that nothing would stop the pain, except for Carun ointment. Apparently, it also help heal scars. Carun is a product made of hemp oil.

“So I worked with the owner of Carun in the Czech Republic to bring the products to the UK. The products support the immune system; restore the balance and health of cells as well as possessing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibiotic properties”, declared Mr. Takac, who is now the UK managing director for Carun.

Approximately 0.3% of the product is THC, so if you were thinking to use it for different things, tough luck.

Cătuşanu Octavian

Sursa foto: whaxy.com