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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 5:07
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Vijeliile fac prima victimă. Un bărbat din Vrancea, prins sub un solar doborât de vânt

Un bărbat a intrat în stop cardio-respirator, marţi, în localitatea Cârligele din judeţul Vrancea, după ce a fost prins sub un solar pus la...

EU cautions against trade measures to support solar sector

The European Union needs to take into account its ambitious targets for solar power deployment before it considers any measures to curb imports of...

Europe’s solar industry warns against tariffs on imports

Europe's solar power industry has warned policymakers not to impose tariffs on imports, amid fears that disrupting supplies of products from China would seriously...

Western Balkans see boom in solar energy but grids unprepared

Western Balkan nations are seeing a boom in solar energy investment, which could help ease a power crisis that had threatened a shift away...

China is building a solar power station measuring 16 square kilometers

  China is the world’s leading investor in renewable energy sources, devoting approximately 80 billion dollars for them just last year. That’s more than twice...

O femeie s-a ales cu arsuri de gradul doi pe față și gât după ce a mers la solar

O femeie de 37 de ani din Râmnicu Sărat a ajuns la spital cu arsuri de gradul doi pe faţă şi pe gât după...