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duminică, 16 februarie 2025 - 20:02
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EU growth plan potential ‘game changer’ for Western Balkans, official says

The European Union's 6-billion euro growth plan for the Western Balkans is a potential “game changer" that could double the size of regional economies...

EU to help Western Balkans reforms with 6 billion euro package says von der Leyen

The European Union plans to help the countries of the Western Balkans to pursue reforms needed for integration with the wealthy bloc with 6...

Low prices make Southeast Europe top destination for digital nomads

Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, has earned the title of the top European city for digital nomads, followed by Sarajevo and Chisinau, according to...

CEE ministers urge North Macedonia to seize EU enlargement momentum

The EU’s enlargement process has finally gained dynamics, and North Macedonia should use this momentum and take a step forward, Czech Foreign Minister Jan...

Proteste de amploare împotriva guvernului macedonean

Peste 20.000 de persoane au manifestat în capitala Skopje Peste 20.000 de persoane au protestat, duminică, în capitala Macedoniei, Skopje, împotriva Guvernului cerând demisia premierului...

Gabriela Podașcă: Femeile, mai afectate decât bărbații în timpul crizei economice

Deputatul PSD Gabriela Podașcă a susținut, luni, la Skopje, necesitatea egalității de gen, în cadrul Conferinţei internaţionale „Integrarea europeană prin cooperarea parlamentelor, societăţii civile...