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joi, 13 februarie 2025 - 7:29
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Johnson & Johnson

PM Cîțu: Mask is mandatory until 10 mln get vaccinated against Covid-19

Romania's Prime Minister, Florin Cîțu said on Thursday that wearing a mask would no longer be mandatory once Romania reaches the target of getting...

Romania to receive the fourth vaccine, produced by Johnson & Johnson

Military doctor Valeriu Gheorghiță, the national vaccination campaign coordinator, told Digi FM that Romania might have a fourth anti-COVID vaccine available by April, which...

Testarea unui nou vaccin contra COVID-19, oprită, după îmbolnăvirea inexplicabilă a unui voluntar

Grupul farmaceutic american Johnson & Johnson a anunţat, luni, suspendarea testelor clinice ale unui vaccin anti-COVID-19 deoarece unul din participanţii la teste s-a îmbolnăvit,...