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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 13:17
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Germany now world’s third-largest economy, as Japan slips into recession

Germany is now the world's third-largest economy, after Japan unexpectedly slipped into recession, according to Politico. Japan's economy shrank by an unexpected 0.4 percent in the last...

Romania’s Q3 GDP rises 2.9% y/y

Romania’s economy grew by 2.9% year on year in the third quarter of 2023, slowing down from a 4.1% expansion in the same period...

IMF reduces expectations for Romania’s economic growth to 2.2%

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has updated the expectations about Romania's economic growth this year, from 4.8% envisaged last autumn, to 2.2% under the...

Foreign Investors Council: The vision for the new FIC Board for 2021/2022

The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) member companies announced on Thursday that they have decided on the 15 top executives and professionals to join the...

Foreign Investors Council: Investment, the trigger that can restart the economy

The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) welcomes the Parliament’s approval of the budget on Tuesday, in a press release. FIC believes that the budget reflects...