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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 12:26
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Atac într-un mall din Sydney. Cel puțin cinci persoane, printre care și un bebeluș, au fost înjunghiate

Un bărbat a fost împușcat și mai multe persoane, inclusiv un bebeluș de nouă luni, ar fi fost înjunghiate într-un mall din Sydney. Mulțimile...

EU, Australia fail to agree on trade deal

Meeting at the margins of the G7 meeting in Osaka on Sunday, EU and Australian trade representatives failed to conclude negotiations on a free...

Descoperire șocantă, în premieră, în creierul unui om: Medicii au extras un vierme viu. Ce simptome avea pacienta

O femeie din Australia  a fost descoperită de medici cu un vierme în creier. Viermele este asemănător unei râme și poate paraliza șerpii. Un vierme...

Australia wants EU investment in critical minerals, but first a free trade agreement

Australia's Trade Minister Don Farrell has dangled easier access to the country's vast critical minerals sector as part of negotiations over a free trade...

European gas prices soar on Australia LNG workers’ ultimatum

European natural gas prices jumped as workers serving a key export project in Australia prepare for a strike if no deal is reached in...

Australia PM Albanese to push to overcome EU trade obstacles with Macron

Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said it was important for exporters to gain access to European markets under any EU free trade deal, and...

Germany sends troops to Australia in a first as Berlin shifts focus to Indo-Pacific

Germany will, for the first time, send troops to Australia as part of joint drills with some 30,000 service members from 12 other nations,...

Țara în care vânzarea de țigări electronice va fi interzisă. Se vor putea cumpăra doar din farmacii

Guvernul din Australia va interzice vânzarea de țigări electronice fără prescripție medicală, inclusiv a celor care nu conțin nicotină. Astfel de produse vor putea...

EU seeks to conclude Australian free-trade deal by summer

The European Union is seeking to conclude a free-trade agreement with Australia by the summer, even as the two sides still need to work...

China says AUKUS alliance on ‘path of error and danger’ after submarine deal unveiled

China warned on Tuesday that Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States were treading a “path of error and danger" after they unveiled...