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miercuri, 1 mai 2024 - 5:36
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EU tweaks Russia oil sanctions plan in bid to win over reluctant states

The European Commission has proposed changes to its planned embargo on Russian oil to give Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic more time to...

Jaf în direct

Patru hoți au fost filmați și postați imediat pe rețelele de socializare, în timp ce jefuiau un magazin Chanel din centrul Parisului. Jaful a fost...

Romania to grant additional €3.2 mln humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Romania is pledging an additional €3.2mln in humanitarian aid to Ukraine, while also reaffirming support for the reconstruction of the war-ravaged country said Prime...

Ukraine sets new grain export curbs for Republic of Moldova, Romania

Ukraine has imposed temporary restrictions on the supply of grain cargoes by rail in the direction of Republic of Moldova and Romania due to...

Parintele Calistrat – Inima omului este împărtită în trei părti: partea mânioasă, partea ratională si partea poftitoare.

Să îți masori vorbele la mânie si sa opresti cearta, caci nu stie in ce degenerează. Poti sa darami in cateva minute ce ai...

French energy minister expects EU consensus on Russian oil ban by end of week

The French environment and energy minister Barbara Pompili said on Thursday that she was confident European Union member states will reach a consensus on...

U.S. gives Sweden and Finland security promises on road to NATO

Sweden and Finland are starting to win assurances of help if threatened by Russia in the interim period between an expected application to join...

Tehnologia depășește generalii ruși

Alexander Bastrykin, șeful Comitetului de Investigații al Rusiei, a devenit vedetă în mediul online după ce și-a folosit lupa ca să se uite la...

EU to ‘significantly increase’ military support to Republic of Moldova

The European Union plans to significantly increase military support to Republic of Moldova in the context of the Russian invasion of neighboring Ukraine, European...

EU plans phased oil ban on Russia, also targeting more banks

The European Union's chief executive on Wednesday proposed a phased oil embargo on Russia over its war in Ukraine, as well as sanctioning Russia's...