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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 18:08
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Romania keeps using AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19 for all ages


The coordinator of the national vaccination campaign, Valeriu Gheoghita said Thursday that Romania will continue the vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine for all age groups, according to Romania-Insider.  

The statement came after the European Medicines Agency’s assessment that the formation of blood clots is a „very rare” side effect of the vaccine.

„People immunized with the first dose will get the second dose with the same vaccine and those who have had a thrombotic event are not recommended for the AstraZeneca vaccine and should continue to be vaccinated with a vaccine that is produced by another company,” said Gheoghita.

„We will develop an informative material for all those who want to be vaccinated or who have been vaccinated to present briefly the alarm signals for which they must request a medical consultation,” added Gheoghita. 

Gheoghita explained that it is important to continue the vaccination with all vaccine products and that a high percentage of the population should be vaccinated as giving up vaccination can lead to more severe forms of disease and compromise achieving group immunity to stop the pandemic’s harmful effects.