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duminică, 1 septembrie 2024 - 7:41
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OMV Petrom to invest EUR 70 mln at Petrobrazi Refinery in Romania


The largest energy company in South-Eastern Europe, OMV Petrom announced it will invest approximately EUR 70mln to replace the coke drums that are essential in the refining process at the Petrobrazi refinery in Romania. 

„We are constantly investing in the modernization of the Petrobrazi refinery. The replacement of the Coke Drums is a project with a very high degree of technical and organizational complexity,” said a member of the OMV Petrom Executive Board, Radu Căprău in a press release.  

„The new units will have an important contribution to increasing the efficiency and safety of our operations,” added  Căprău.

The four Coke Drums will be produced in Romania and are designed for a lifespan of over 20 years as well as 5,000 operating cycles. 

Replacing the Coke Drums will take place between 2021 and 2023 with approximately EUR 11 million being invested in 2021.

Petrobrazi has a total crude oil processing capacity of 4.5 million tons per year and since 2005 OMV Petrom has invested EUR 1.8 billion in the refinery with one-third of this investment contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact.