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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 12:03
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Ford to cut 3,800 jobs in Europe in shift to electric vehicle production


Automaker Ford on Tuesday said it intends to cut 3,800 jobs in Europe over the next three years to adopt a “leaner” structure as it focuses on electric vehicle production, according to CNBC.

The company plans to slash 2,300 jobs in production development and administration in Germany, 1,300 in the U.K. and 200 posts elsewhere in Europe. It said it will retain roughly 3,400 engineering roles in Europe, focused on vehicle design and development, alongside the creation of linked services.

The overhaul will not affect Ford’s aim to offer an all-electric fleet by 2035. The company expects production of its first European-built electric passenger vehicle to start later this year.

“These are difficult decisions, not taken lightly. We recognize the uncertainty it creates for our team, and I assure them we will be offering them our full support in the months ahead,” said Martin Sander, general manager of Ford Model e in Europe.

“Paving the way to a sustainably profitable future for Ford in Europe requires broad-based actions and changes in the way we develop, build, and sell Ford vehicles. This will impact the organizational structure, talent, and skills we will need in the future.”