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Five BVB listed companies to be included in FTSE Emerging Markets indices


The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) announced Monday that the shares of MedLife, Purcari Wineries, Conpet, IMPACT Developer & Contractor and Sphera Franchise Group will be included in the FTSE Russell index series dedicated to Emerging Markets, FTSE Global All Cap and FTSE Global Micro Cap, respectively.

“MedLife is the sixth Romanian company included in FTSE Global All Cap indices, joining Banca Transilvania, Nuclearelectrica, OMV Petrom, TeraPlast and One United Properties,” said BVB in a press release. 

Purcari Wineries, Conpet, IMPACT Developer & Contractor and Sphera Franchise Group are included in FTSE Global Micro Cap indices, joining Transport Trade Services.

Nuclearelectrica, already included in FTSE Global All Cap indices since September 21, 2020 will move from Small Cap to the Mid Cap category.

FTSE Russell announced also the exclusion from the FTSE Global Micro Cap indices of the Bittnet Systems shares.

BVB stated that Romania has 11 listed companies included in FTSE Russell indices for Emerging Markets.

Romania’s upgrade by FTSE Russell on September 21, 2020 among the Emerging Markets, has opened the way for the local capital market to a wider investment universe and, with the increase in the number of investors, the demand for the assets listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange has increased.

“At the end of the trading session of February 18, 2022, the market capitalization of all companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange was RON 247 bn (EUR 50 bn), 64% above the level from September 18, 2020, prior to the effective upgrade to Emerging Markets status,” said BVB.