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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 8:47
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Telefonica reaches agreement to cut about 2,700 jobs in Spain

Spain's Telefonica has reached an agreement with labour unions to cut some 15% of its domestic workforce via voluntary redundancies in a plan estimated...

US and Romania to build nuclear power facility

The United States and Romania announced plans to build a “first-of-a-kind” small modular reactor (SMR) plant in Romania, the White House said on Tuesday,...

European factories hire workers at record pace to fill orders

Euro-area factories are hiring new workers at a record pace to keep up with persistently strong orders, according to Bloomberg.  Job creation was particularly pronounced...

Nokia to cut up to 10,000 jobs over next two years

Nokia on Tuesday announced plans to cut up to 10,000 jobs within two years to trim costs and invest more in research capabilities, as...

New Amazon investment further boost for Romania’s IT sector, creating more that 500 jobs

Online retailer Amazon announced on Tuesday a major expansion of its operations as it plans to open three new offices in Romania over the...

Ce mânca Steve Jobs pentru a fi mai creativ

Tirozina este un aminoacid care stimulează producţia de dopamină la nivelul creierului, influenţând pozitiv capacitatea de a gândi creativ Steve Jobs susținea că alimentaţia bogată...