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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 18:35
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Donald Tusk

Ucraina creează o nouă „Legiune” pentru a aduce pe front bărbații exilați în Europa

Armata ucraineană a lansat o nouă inițiativă pentru a atrage bărbații tineri care locuiesc în străinătate să se înroleze, în contextul în care Kievul...

Stoltenberg anunță un acord în NATO pentru trimiterea de sisteme Patriot către Ucraina. Unde este România în această ecuație

Statele membre NATO au ajuns la un acord cu privire la trimiterea de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană suplimentare în Ucraina, printre care baterii de...

Donald Tusk: Europa trebuie să se pregătească pentru un război iminent

Premierul Poloniei, Donald Tusk: Trebuie să ne obişnuim mental cu o nouă eră. Suntem într-o epocă antebelică. Preşedintele Poloniei, Andrzej Duda, a semnat retragerea...

Poland, Ukraine close to agreement on food imports, says Tusk

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal was in Poland on Thursday for talks with his counterpart Donald Tusk to address Polish and Western European farmers’...

Poland’s prime minister criticizes Hungary and Slovakia foreign ministers for meeting Lavrov

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Monday sharply criticized the Hungarian and Slovak foreign ministers for meeting with their Russian counterpart during a regional forum...

EU to release billions of euros to Poland that were frozen over previous government policies

The European Commission announced on Thursday that it will begin releasing billions of euros to Poland that were frozen over the previous government’s policies that...

Poland, Ukraine negotiate temporary border closure to stabilise Polish market

The Polish government is negotiating a temporary closure of its shared border with Ukraine so that Ukrainian agri-food production does not destabilize the Polish...

Poland and Ukraine pledge quick end to political friction

The leaders of Poland and Ukraine pledged on Monday to tackle a thorny political dispute that had hampered their critical wartime alliance and boost...

Polish farmers resume blockade of border crossing with Ukraine

Polish farmers restarted a blockade of a Poland-Ukraine border crossing on Thursday, accusing the new Polish government of failing to guarantee it will meet...

New Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is sworn in with his government

The new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his Cabinet were sworn in by the president on Wednesday morning in a ceremony that marked...