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sâmbătă, 27 aprilie 2024 - 23:49
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France vows to go ahead with vaccine pass despite parliamentary glitch

French government officials on Tuesday vowed to enact by mid-January as planned a law to block unvaccinated people from hospitality venues, despite the legislation...

Romania’s Blue Air to cancel some routes in Jan, Feb due to low demand

Romanian low-cost carrier Blue Air announced on Wednesday that it will cancel some of its flights scheduled for January and February due to low...

Poland reports highest number of COVID-related deaths in fourth wave

Poland reported 794 COVID-related deaths on Wednesday, the highest number in the fourth wave of the pandemic,  Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska said, adding...

France offers intensive care nurses monthly bonus

French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Tuesday that France will pay intensive care nurses an extra 100 euros per month from January as it...

Un an de la debutul campaniei de vaccinare. Câți români s-au imunizat anti-Covid

Comitetul Național de Coordonare a Vaccinării a anunțat, luni seara, împlinirea unui an de la debutul campaniei de vaccinare, timp în care au fost...

Epidemiologi: Omenirea se află în cel mai bun punct din perioada pandemiei

În acest moment, omenirea se află în cel mai bun punct din perioada pandemiei: varianta Omicron nu pare să îmbolnăvească oamenii la fel de...

Pope Francis prays for pandemic’s end, peace dialogues on Christmas

Pope Francis prayed Saturday for an end to the coronavirus pandemic, using his Christmas Day address to urge health care for all, vaccines for...

U.S. to allow waiving of in-person interviews for H-1B, other visas through 2022

The United States will allow its consular officers to waive in-person interviews for H-1B and other certain non-immigrant visa applicants through next year to...

DOCUMENT. Lista statelor cu risc epidemiologic. Malta intră în zona roșie

Lista ţărilor considerate cu risc epidemiologic a fost actualizată, joi seară, de Comitetul Național pentru Situații de Urgență (CNSU), iar Malta a fost inclusă în...

Romanian lawmakers table vote on Covid-19 pass law immediately after Christmas

The leaders of the Romanian ruling coalition decided on Wednesday to promote in Parliament the draft law on the Covid-19 pass, proposed by the...