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sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2024 - 4:24
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The „Basescu’s undercover man” scandal: The candidate William Branza, on the list of Army colonels

In early September, president Traian Basescu was suggesting that one of the presidential candidates was an undercover officer of a secret service William Branza appears...

Iohannis opened the school year by quoting Lenin: „Learn, learn learn”

The message, belonging to the „Father of Bolshevism”, was used by the ACL (Liberal-Christian Alliance) leader as advice for the students On Monday, the PNL...

ARD mai are de lucrat la listele pentru parlamentare

Liderul Vasile Blaga a anunţat că mai trebuie purtate discuţii cu 15-20 de persoane, în rest listele de candidaţi ARD sunt gata, inclusiv din...