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duminică, 1 septembrie 2024 - 6:03
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China vrea să convingă UE să renunțe la taxele vamale pentru vehicule electrice ”cât mai curând posibil”

China speră să ajungă în curând la un acord cu Uniunea Europeană cu privire la tarifele planificate de Bruxelles pentru mașinile electrice chinezești (EV)...

UE urmează să anunțe creșterea taxelor vamale pentru ”electricele” din China

Uniunea Europeană va face public în această săptămână planul de taxare pentru vehiculele electrice chinezești, în contextul în care blocul comunitar ia măsuri drastice...

Prin atitudinea agresivă față de China, Ucraina duce o politică foarte riscantă – ANALIZĂ

Criticile președintelui ucrainean Volodimr Zelenski la adresa Chinei referitoare la relația cu Rusia și la reticența față de viitorul summit pentru pace s-ar putea...

China’s defence ministry says it held military staff dialogue with NATO

China and NATO held an eighth military staff dialogue on security policy in Beijing on Wednesday, according to a statement from the Chinese defence...

European Union to upgrade economic security to shield key tech from China

The European Union will take the next step this week in its effort to recreate itself into a global power that can leverage its...

China rejects EU’s trade deficit complaint

Beijing has rebuffed a complaint by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen over the EU's trade deficit against China, a day before her...

EU trade chief seeks more balanced economic ties on China visit

Europe's trade chief will push Beijing for fewer restrictions on European businesses on a four-day visit to China, when he can expect tough conversations...

Germany foreign minister embarks on post-Macron ‘damage control’ in China trip

Germany's foreign minister begins a visit to China on Thursday aiming to reassert a common European Union policy toward Beijing days after remarks by...

Germany’s Habeck sees ‘no pressure from US’ to curb China economic ties

German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said on Thursday that the United States isn't pressuring his government to curtail economic links with China in sensitive...

China says U.S. balloons flew over its airspace more than 10 times

China on Monday said more than 10 U.S. high-altitude balloons have flown in its airspace during the past year without its permission, following Washington’s...